JAUNDICE – Definition, Mechanism, Types, Causes & Treatment
Reading time: 0 Minute GRAVE HIM Graves’ disease Radiation (iodine-induced) Adenoma (toxic adenoma) Viral thyroiditis (subacute thyroiditis) Excess iodine (Jod-Basedow phenomenon) HCG (trophoblastic disease) Iodine-containing medications (amiodarone) Multinodular goiter (toxic multinodular goiter)
Reading time: 0 Minute
Reading time: 0 MinuteFriends, Neurology is the only branch where clinical symptoms and signs if elicited skillfully and intelligently lead to the diagnosis of the disease, but for this knowledge of the underlying anatomy and physiology of the nervous system, vascular supply, neuropathology, psychology, psychiatry, neuropharmacology, and related disciplines is the utmost requirement. In the…
Reading time: 0 Minute HYPERTENSION: Hypertension is a clinical condition where the BP of the body is elevated more than normal & it leads to damage of various body organs if not controlled. Therefore it is very vital to have clear concepts of the definition, causes, and effects of HTN on vital organs, symptoms, sign…
Reading time: 2 MinutesViral arthritis is a form of joint inflammation caused by various viral infections. It often presents as acute or chronic arthritis or arthralgia, typically affecting multiple joints. Unlike autoimmune arthritis, viral arthritis is usually self-limiting, resolving as the viral infection subsides, although some cases may mimic inflammatory joint diseases like rheumatoid arthritis….
Reading time: 0 Minute