मंकीपॉक्स एक वायरल संक्रमण है, जो मंकीपॉक्स वायरस के कारण होता है। यह वायरस पोक्सविरिडाए परिवार से संबंधित है, और इसका संबंध स्मॉलपॉक्स (चेचक) वायरस से भी है। हालांकि दोनों वायरस एक ही परिवार से आते हैं, परंतु मंकीपॉक्स की गंभीरता स्मॉलपॉक्स की तुलना में कम होती है। नीचे दिए गए प्रश्न और उत्तर आपको…

Monkeypox: Why It’s a Global Health Emergency?

Monkeypox: Why It’s a Global Health Emergency?

       Monkeypox, a virus that was once rare and mostly confined to parts of Africa, has suddenly become a global concern. Recently, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared monkeypox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) due to the rapid rise in cases around the world. But what exactly is monkeypox, and…

Busting Common Myths About Hypothyroid Medication

Busting Common Myths About Hypothyroid Medication

Hypothyroidism is one of the most common disorder of the thyroid where a lifelong treatment is advocated. But, there are several myths/ confusion regarding treatment like when to take, how to take, how long to take, etc. Please read this article and we hope to solve some of the queries. हाइपोथायरायडिज्म थायराइड के सबसे आम…

Causes of Hyponatremia Mnemonic

Mnemonic to remember the causes of hyponatremia along with their types: “4 D’s SIADH Can’t Handle Na (Sodium)“ 1. Hypovolemic Hyponatremia (“4 D’s”): Dehydration (e.g., excessive sweating, burns) Diuretics (e.g., thiazides) Diarrhea (e.g., GI losses) Drains (e.g., nasogastric suction) 2. Euvolemic Hyponatremia (“SIADH”): SIADH (Syndrome of Inappropriate Antidiuretic Hormone) Insufficient cortisol (Adrenal insufficiency) Addison’s disease…

Top 5 Ayurvedic herbs to reduce Blood pressure.

Top 5 Ayurvedic herbs to reduce Blood pressure.

Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, is a major health concern affecting millions worldwide. As modern lifestyles become increasingly stressful and sedentary, the prevalence of hypertension continues to rise, leading to serious complications like heart disease and stroke. While conventional medicine offers various treatments, the use of Ayurvedic herbs has gained recognition as a…